americas funniest home videos

We had been watching America’s Funniest Home Videos since the premier episode, laughing along with our friends at the silly antics. So when my first Bulldog oozed her chubby body onto my son’s wooden rocking horse and learned to rock it back and forth with my encouragement, I knew I had to submit a clip of her doing this hilarious trick to the show. This was before the internet so we had to record it on a VHS tape and mail it to the studio, then wait patiently to see if it was accepted.

It wasn’t long before the clip could be seen during the opening credits of the show, where it was played weekly for a couple months. Shortly into the season we were alerted that our video would be playing on that week’s episode and we soon learned that they had incorporated our clip into what would become one of their all-time most popular music montage videos. While we didn’t end up as weekly winners on that show, the video has aired multiple times over the years and has brought a lot of joy and laughter to millions of viewers!

Our submission to the show also inspired the network to contact us the following year when they were producing a spin-off show called America’s Funniest People.