Sittingbullies Signed Sealed & Delivered CD BN RM NW1 SCN SBN SEN FDC RATS FTI CGC TKE
SiRE: ENG CH MBISS MBIS BOY Sealaville He’s Tyler

⇑ Coming Soon! ⇑
This sweet little lady went to live with my special friend Ikuko Jones after she lost her boy Tickity Boo. Ikuko is a long-time performance Bulldogger who has successfully titled several dogs in a variety of doggy sports-and Livie was always craving cuddles in our busy household, never satisfied with having to compete with three others for attention. After retiring from the Mutternity Ward I offered her to Ikuko. It was a wonderful win-win as Ikuko once again had a very willing teammate who was up for whatever adventure, and Livie was able to continue her already well established performance career.
When she left, Livie had earned all five Trick Dog titles, her BN & CD Obedience titles, Novice Barn Hunt title, several Rally titles, was halfway to earning her Rally Master title and was trained in Open Obedience-but had not yet earned a leg towards her CDX title. Ikuko has picked up where I left off and Livie has now earned her Barn Hunt Open & Senior titles, finished her Rally Master title, added her first Nose Work titles (NW1 consists of four titles in four different elements), and earned the first leg of the very difficult Open level of Obedience (CDX)–nabbing the High In Trial honors at our 2023 BCA Nationals!
Livie is the mother of my talented (albeit somewhat sassy) boy Solo, along with his six half-siblings from her second litter that are doing what Bulldogs do best–warming couches and hearts in their new homes.

- BCA Ambassador for Health Platinum
- BCA Versatile Bulldog Platinum Eligible
- 2023 BCA National High In Trial Winner

OBeDiENCE: Beginner Novice (BN), Companion Dog (CD) and one leg of her Companion Dog Excellent (CDX)
RaLLY: Rally Novice (RN), Rally Advanced (RA), Rally Excellent (RE) & Rally Master (RM) titles
TRiCK DoG: Trick Dog Novice (TKN), Trick Dog Intermediate (TKI), Trick Dog Advanced (TKA), Trick Dog Performer (TKP) & Trick Dog Elite Performer (TKE)
SCeNT/NoSE WoRK: Odor Recognition Title (ORT), Nose Work 1 (NW1-requiring passes in all four elements (Vehicle, Interior, Exterior & Container in one trial) and her Novice Scentwork
BaRN HuNT: Barn Hunt Novice (RATN), Barn Hunt Open (RATO) & Barn Hunt Senior (RATS)
TRiCK DoG: Trick Dog Novice (TKN), Trick Dog Intermediate (TKI), Trick Dog Advanced (TKA), Trick Dog Performer (TKP) & Trick Dog Elite Performer (TKE)
CiViC: Canine Good Citizen (CGC), Farm Dog Certification (FDC)
FeTCH: Fetch Dog Novice* (FTN) & Fetch Dog Intermediate* (FTI) titles

OFA Trachea
OFA Cardiac
OFA Patella
OFA Elbows
OFA Thyroid
HUU Clear
OFA Trachea
OFA Cardiac
OFA Patella
OFA Elbows
OFA Thyroid
HUU Clear

SoLO LiTTeR: Livie’s first “litter” was a singleton pup sired by Eng CH Am GCH CH Sealaville He’s Ashley born July 3, 2018. The white male pup was born a few months after I lost his Great-great Grandsire Gabe and the similarities were evident from very early on. Although I typically don’t keep males, he also became the exception to the rule.
LiViE’S LiTTLe LuVs: Conceived on Easter Sunday, this litter of six arrived on June 11, 2020. There were four males-Big Louie, RedG, Ace & Cruz and two females-Mercy & Toph.